Alfred Gitonga

Name: Mr. Alfred Gitonga Ndumba
Title: Founding Chairperson, Igati Community
Education: B.A., Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
Experience: 24 years in Social Entrepreneurship
Marital Status: Married
Faith: Born Again Christian

Mr. Alfred Gitonga Ndumba is a distinguished entrepreneur and visionary missionary in the field of social entrepreneurship. With a steadfast dedication to fostering socio-economic transformation, Mr. Alfred has devoted his career to using creative and innovative methods to uplift and empower communities. As the founding chairperson of the Igati Community, he has spearheaded initiatives that blend entrepreneurial vigor with a commitment to social change.

Career and Accomplishments
Mr. Alfred career spans over two decades, marked by his significant contributions to the development of start-up social enterprises in Kenya. His expertise and leadership have been instrumental in establishing sustainable business models that not only generate economic growth but also address pressing social issues. Through his work with the Igati Community, he has cultivated a network of believers and proactive doers who are dedicated to social entrepreneurship ideals.
His approach is characterized by a deep commitment to innovation and creativity, ensuring that the Igati Community remains at the forefront of socio-economic transformation. Under his guidance, the community has grown into a beacon of hope and progress, demonstrating the powerful impact of aligning entrepreneurial activities with social good.

Mr. Alfred holds a degree from Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya. His academic background laid a solid foundation for his ventures in social entrepreneurship, equipping him with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and influence the dynamic landscape of social enterprise.

Personal Life
A devoted husband and a born-again Christian, Mr. Alfred’s faith plays a central role in his life and work. His belief in Jesus Christ as Lord is a driving force behind his mission to bring positive change to the Igati Community and beyond. His personal and professional lives are intertwined with a commitment to integrity, service, and transformative leadership.

Mr. Alfred’s vision is to continue expanding the reach and impact of the Igati Community, ensuring that it remains a catalyst for change. His long-term goal is to create a legacy of empowered individuals and thriving communities, united by the principles of social entrepreneurship and driven by the collective pursuit of a better future.
Through his relentless dedication and innovative spirit, Mr. Alfred Gitonga Ndumba stands as a testament to the profound impact that one individual can have on the world through social entrepreneurship