Igati Agribiz Cluster Models

The Igati Agribiz Cluster Models are a creative and innovative initiative developed by the Igati Creative and Innovative NGO to drive socio-economic transformation in Meru County, Kenya. This model leverages Meru County’s rich agricultural potential to address persistent poverty and unemployment issues through social entrepreneurship. Here’s an overview of how the Igati Agribiz Cluster Models function and their impact:

Key Components of the Igati Agribiz Cluster Models

1. Cluster-Based Approach:
   – The initiative envisions the establishment of 47 agribusiness clusters across Meru County, with each cluster representing a specific agricultural or livestock sector. These clusters are designed to cover the entire value chain of each product, from production to processing and marketing.

2. Industrial Parks:
   – Each ward in Meru County will host an industrial park, managed by community members or social entrepreneurs. These parks will serve as hubs for processing, packaging, and value addition to agricultural products.

3. Value Chain Integration:
   – The clusters integrate various stages of the value chain, including production, processing, and distribution. This holistic approach ensures that local producers can maximize the value of their products and retain more income within the community.

4. Diverse Agricultural Focus:
   – The clusters will cover a range of agricultural and livestock products such as bee products, dairy, flours, poultry, and pig products. This diversification helps mitigate risk and ensures a steady flow of income for the community members.

Goals And Impact

1. Economic Empowerment:
– By creating local industrial parks and supporting value-added production, the initiative aims to increase income levels and create job opportunities for local residents, thereby reducing poverty and unemployment.

2. Market Access:
– Igati-branded products will be marketed locally and potentially beyond, creating a recognizable brand that stands for quality and community-driven production. This branding effort helps in securing better market prices and expanding market reach.

3. Sustainable Development:
– The initiative promotes sustainable agricultural practices and environmental stewardship, particularly through the bee cluster which positively impacts biodiversity and ecosystems.

4. Community Involvement:
– The model emphasizes community ownership and management, ensuring that the benefits of the agribusiness clusters are felt locally. This approach fosters a sense of responsibility and empowerment among community members.


Current Successes

The bee cluster, in particular, has shown significant positive impacts on household incomes and environmental health. By supporting beekeeping, the initiative not only provides a source of income but also promotes pollination and biodiversity.


The Igati Agribiz Cluster Models represent a comprehensive and innovative approach to rural development in Meru County. By focusing on value addition, market access, and sustainable practices, this initiative seeks to transform the socio-economic landscape of the region, providing a blueprint for similar efforts in other agricultural communities.