Bee Keeping Program

Igati Mission Beekeeping Program Overview

The Igati Mission beekeeping program aims to promote social entrepreneurship through sustainable beekeeping practices in Meru County. The program focuses on training, supporting, and marketing beekeepers’ products to ensure profitability for individual members and the sustainability of the CBO.

Program Components

1. Beekeeper Membership and Subscription

– Beekeepers become members by paying a subscription fee, which covers monthly hive inspections and basic support.
– The subscription fee contributes to the CBO’s operational costs, ensuring ongoing support for the beekeepers.

2. Beekeepers Cluster

– The program organizes beekeepers into clusters to encourage collaboration and collective bargaining.
– Clusters meet regularly to discuss pricing, harvesting costs, and other related expenses.

3. Cost Structure and Sharing

– Transport Costs: Beekeepers are responsible for covering transport costs for bee inspectors visiting their apiaries.
– Harvesting Costs: Cluster members determine and share the costs of harvesting.
– Packaging Costs: Beekeepers are responsible for purchasing jars, labels, and other packaging materials.
– Market Costs: Beekeepers manage direct-to-market expenses for selling their products.

4. Revenue Generation and Profit Sharing

– The primary revenue source is honey sales, with additional income from beeswax products, propolis, and other bee-related goods.
– The CBO manages the brand and market for the honey products, ensuring competitive prices and effective distribution.
– The profit-sharing model allows beekeepers to retain 90% of sales proceeds, while the CBO retains 10% to cover operational costs and sustain the program.


5. Marketing and Sales Strategy

– Branding: The CBO provides a strong brand for the honey products to enhance marketability.
– Distribution Channels: The CBO identifies and manages distribution channels, including local markets, grocery stores, and online platforms.
– Community Engagement: The program encourages participation in community events to promote the brand and the mission.
– Partnerships and Collaborations: The CBO seeks partnerships with local businesses and organizations to broaden the market reach.

6. Sustainability and Expansion

– The program emphasizes sustainable beekeeping practices to protect the environment and support long-term success.
– Continuous training and education are provided to beekeepers to improve productivity and quality.
– The CBO aims to expand membership by inviting more beekeepers to join, creating a larger network for collaboration and shared resources.
– The reserve fund established from profits is used to reinvest in the program and explore new business opportunities.