Bee Keeping Members

Introducing Igati Bee Keepers - Agribiz Cluster Models and Social Entrepreneurs

Welcome to the inspiring world of Igati Bee Keepers, an agribusiness cluster initiated by Igati Mission in July 2023. Hailing from Meru County, with roots in Timau Ward, Igati’s mission extends its reach to Nkomo Ward in Tigania West Constituency and Ntima East in North Imenti. Despite resource limitations, Igati Mission, a community-based organization, ventured into the world of beekeeping to address the pressing issues of food security, job creation, ecosystem support, and social-economic transformation within the community.

Organic honey emerged as a critical component of their vision, recognized as a scarce product in Meru County and across Kenya. The ever-increasing international demand for this liquid gold spurred their journey. The brainchild of this initiative is social entrepreneur Mr. Alfred Gitonga. He set up a 4-acre apiary with a state-of-the-art refinery capable of handling 10 tons of honey daily, alongside various by-products.

Understanding the need for modernization in beekeeping, Alfred innovated the long-stroth beehive and embarked on a mission to train his neighbors in Timau, residents of Nkomo Ward, and Ntima East. He utilized locally available resources to create these modern beehives, a transformative step that had an immediate impact on honey production in the region.

Alfred Gitonga, a dedicated missioner, ventured from home to home in these specified jurisdictions, nurturing homegrown social entrepreneurs in beekeeping. Since August 2023, their story continues to unfold, and Meru County is regaining its reputation as the land of honey and milk. The captivating images and testimonials from these young social entrepreneurs are a testament to the power of social entrepreneurship as a catalyst for social-economic transformation, not only in Meru County but also beyond its borders.

Join us in this remarkable journey, be inspired, and become part of the growth of honey production and its far-reaching impact on communities. Igati Bee Keepers invite you to be a part of this transformative endeavor, nurturing the future of food security and social-economic development.

In October 15th Mr Alfred Gitonga has started his apiary with just one hive that he made by himself by innovating long stroth beehive
Alfred Gitonga training local tailor on how to innovate bee suits, in order to.make it available for igati members in meru county
An abandoned apiary at lobelia flowers farm in timau, igati mission embarks of journey to rehabilitate it and turn the owner into a sustainable bee keeper entrepreneur
Alfred Gitonga training a new bee keeper on how to set the hives in the apiary in Nkomo ward
Home made innovated long stroth bee hive, locally made hives bring cost down for farmers by 60%. The power of creativity and innovation
Mzee Ntongai modern apiary. He is a igati bee keeper
At timau social Hall training members of the community on bee keeping
A start up apiary in Nkomo ward tigania West constituency